Darrell Benatar - CEO / UserTesting
Vas Natarajan - Partner / Accel Partners
For years, UserTesting – a SaaS hidden gem of Silicon Valley – offered a tool that adhered really well within large companies, but within one specific role: the user experience (UX) researcher. Every major corporation uses UserTesting because the researcher truly understands our value; however, what do you do when you’ve started to saturate your traditional market of buyers? You grow laterally. To succeed, UserTesting’s natural evolution was to expand across the enterprise – and evolve from a tool to a solution.

In fact, a recent survey of 2,000+ professionals, including product, marketing, design/UX, and other functions, found that understanding and improving the user experience has become the entire organization’s objective and was no longer relegated to a few lone champions. Business leaders investing in UX are realizing the ROI of their user research dollars.

UserTesting had to face that its buyer was no longer its user. As upmarket demand increased, the features that resonated with the user were no longer those that necessary drove the sale. A complete organizational reset, every team within UserTesting – from Sales (value prop/pricing) to Product (features/language) to Marketing (messaging/positioning) to Customer Success (skillsets) – had to evolve to embrace and appeal to the new buyer.